Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati

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A group of actors in costume smiling and high-fiving students


What health and safety precautions are being taken for ETC’s camps in 2024?

The safety of our students, staff, and teaching artists remains our number one priority! We are also committed to providing an exceptional educational experience for students.
Proof of vaccination is not required to attend ETC’s 2024 summer camps. Staff and TAs are also not required to provide proof of vaccination. Masks are optional but welcome should students or staff wish to wear them. ETC has masks on hand if students or staff would like to ask for one. Masks are strongly encouraged if anyone involved in camp is experiencing even mild cold symptoms.
If your student feels unwell, please consider keeping them home from camp temporarily or encouraging them to wear a mask. We would especially hate for illness to spread and upset multiple students’ camp experiences. Communication is key! If you have concerns or questions, please contact the Director of Education.

Where do ETC's summer camps take place?

All camps and performances are held at Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati, 1127 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

What ages can attend camp?

Our Junior Summer Intensive is designed for students ages 8-13. Our High School Summer Intensive welcomes students ages 14-19 while our Technical Theatre Summer Intensive is for students ages 15-19.

 What are the benefits of participating in ETC’s summer camps? 

Our camps and classes ignite students’ imaginations through the collaborative process of theatre, empower them as creative thinkers, and support their development as artists and young adults! Students leave our instruction equipped with a strong foundation of acting and production skills along with practical training, which may include improv, vocal health, and dialect coaching for our performance students and design and construction techniques for our tech students.

What does a typical day look like in an ETC summer camp? 

Classes begin promptly at 9:30am and end at 4:30pm with a thirty minute drop-off and pick-up window before and after camp.
In our Junior Summer Intensive, students will participate in a variety of fun and educational acting, movement, and voice classes throughout the morning and early afternoon with a lunch break in between. The rest of the afternoon will be dedicated to rehearsal for the final camp performance.
In our Technical Theatre Summer Intensive, students’ days will be filled with classes on various topics like scenic construction and painting, prop creation, and lighting design. Throughout the week, students will participate in longer lab sessions to enable them to work on topics in a hands-on manner. Students will also work with the Junior Summer Intensive students on the technical elements of their final performance.
In our High School Summer Intensive, students will take classes and workshops in the morning on topics like improv, acting, audition techniques, script analysis, and movement. They will then spend part of each day in rehearsal and preparation for their showcase performance.

How will drop-off and pick-up work?

Caretakers may drop their students off up to thirty minutes prior to camp starting (no earlier than 9am) and pick their students up anytime up to 30 min after camp ends (no later than 5:00pm). Caretakers will submit a list of people allowed to pick up their student. Only those people will be allowed to pick up the student and identification may be asked for. Caretakers will drop off and pick up their students between the orange cones in front of the Ensemble Theatre building on 1127 Vine Street in Over-the-Rhine. Some students may be given permission to come and go from camp on their own if a waiver is signed before camp by a caretaker.

Are there performances?

Yes! All students will have the chance to showcase the skills they have learned on the final evening of camp. Families, friends, and guests are welcome and are provided with complimentary tickets. Accommodations for accessible seating can be provided to anyone who might require it

What should my student bring to camp?

  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Clothes they can comfortably move in
  • A snack and a bagged lunch (NO NUTS! Likewise, nothing that needs to be refrigerated or microwaved)
  • A refillable water bottle with the camper’s name clearly labeled
  • Technical Intensive Campers should wear clothes they don’t mind getting dirty. Students will participate in painting and building classes, so it’s possible for their clothes to get paint, sawdust, and/or holes in them.


What should my student NOT bring to camp?

  • Valuables (jewelry, expensive clothing, etc.)
  • Games
  • Toys
  • Electronics (phones are allowed to be brought but are not allowed to be used during class)
  • Anything that could be used as a weapon, including a pocketknife, pepper spray, etc.

What will be provided for my student at camp?

  • A camp t-shirt in their selected size
  • A script for their performance
  • Note-taking supplies (pens, highlighters, paper, journals, etc.)
  • All other materials required to participate in classes/performances including costume pieces and props

How will lunch work?

Students will eat lunch outside, weather permitting, or in their studios. They will have breaks for snacks throughout the day. ETC does NOT provide lunch or snacks for campers. Students are not allowed to leave ETC facilities during the camp day, even with a parent’s note. Students need to bring a packed lunch each day that does not require being refrigerated or microwaved. The camper’s name should be clearly labeled on their lunch bag. Please pack an additional snack for breaks. Please also bring a refillable water bottle, with the camper’s name clearly labeled. Remember that we are a NUT-FREE CAMP.


What is your disclosure/liability policy for camp?

Caretakers of students enrolling in camp are obligated to inform the camp at the time of application of any physical or behavioral problems that the child has which have required professional treatment, and it is understood that the camp may decline to accept such a child or may revoke such acceptance when it is apparent that the child may not have a successful experience in the camp or may cause other students to not have a successful experience at camp. Caretakers hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless camp and all its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives whatsoever from any and all losses, claim, damages, liabilities, cost, and expense (including, but not limited to attorney fees) which they or any student may sustain or incur in any way arising out of or in conjunction with this student’s participation in any camp activities. It is also understood that such conditions also relate to acts of nature.

What is your policy on discipline?

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati and its employees do not discriminate based on gender, race, creed, ethnicity, ability, or religion. It is understood that the students must treat one another with respect. Inappropriate behavior, violence, and/or profanity will not be tolerated. If a specific problem arises, the staff will do their best to deal with the situation in a positive and fair manner. The camper may receive a brief time-out after the first warning, but if behavior becomes an issue, caretakers will be contacted.

Examples of behavior that are grounds for immediate dismissal include: disrespect towards any staff member, fighting, disruptive and/or threatening behavior, displaying a weapon of any kind during camp, threatening any other child or adult in any way, displaying possession of or being under the influence of any illegal drugs or alcohol, smoking during camp, theft of any theatre or personal property, damage of any kind to theatre or personal property, and selling or attempting to sell anything to fellow students.

What if my student takes or needs medication?

Caretakers of students bringing any type of medication (prescribed or non-prescribed) must alert the Director of Education prior to the first day of camp. The Director of Education will provide a form to be filled out, indicating the type of medication and the frequency that the medication should be taken. For non-prescription medication, once the form is submitted, the student will be allowed to carry the non-prescription medication with them and is responsible for taking the proper dosage at the proper time. All prescription medication must be kept in the office where the Director of Education or a designated staff member will allow the student to take the medication. The students are ultimately responsible for knowing when and how much medication to take, and ETC is not responsible for administering proper doses at proper times to students (the same applies for asthma inhalers). ETC staff will not administer any medications, but will read the instructions written on the submitted form to the student and observe them take their prescription medication.

What if my student has special needs?

ETC strives to create an inclusive environment for children of all abilities within our camps! Open communication with families helps us create a successful environment for every child. When registering, we encourage you to note any special needs or accommodations your student may require. A member of our education staff may be in touch with you to discuss your child’s needs and give class recommendations as needed to ensure a supportive environment. Please do not hesitate to contact us prior to camp to further discuss your child’s needs or accommodations.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Our Education team is available to answer any questions or address concerns. Please email Emily Bush, Director of Education, at ebush@ensemblecincinnati.org or call 513-421-3555 ext. 2110 with questions. Any voicemails will be returned as soon as possible, but these calls may be returned by one of our personal phones, meaning that if you do not recognize the phone number, the call may still be from our staff.


What are the benefits of taking classes and workshops with Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati?

At Ensemble Theatre we strive to create enriching, social, and supportive educational experiences to enhance all students’ artistic passions. Whether you wish to pursue a career in theatre, are looking to explore your creativity, or just try something new, we welcome new artists, professionals, and everyone in-between. Teaching artists and guest artists who work with us are all industry professionals and who are passionate about sharing their craft and fostering the creativity and curiosity of young minds. All classes, workshops, and programs encourage students to engage with ETC and be a part of our ever-expanding ensemble of students in the community of artists and collaborators. 

Is prior experience required to take classes and workshops at Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati?

Experience needs vary depending on which class or workshop you’re interested in. Be sure to check the description for details and let us know if you have any questions!

Will you be adding more youth and adult classes and workshops?

Yes! If you’re looking for more programs from us please check back on our For Youth and For Adults pages, or contact our Education, Engagement, and Inclusion Department for specific workshop requests or needs.


What if a student needs specific accommodations, such as an advocate, visual guides, or materials in Braille?

It is ETC’s priority to offer an experience that can be fully enjoyed by all. We offer a variety of accessibility services to help ensure that all involved have a great experience. If you have a specific request or need, please share it with us at least two weeks before the start of any program. Requests are subject to availability and provided at the discretion of ETC.

Interested in learning more about our dedication to access and inclusion? Explore our Accessibility and Inclusive Programs pages for more information.


Are scholarships available?

We have a limited number of scholarships available for summer camps that range in amount depending on the ability to pay. There are subsidies available for all in-school programs and residencies. Scholarships and subsidies are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we will try our best to honor your request. For more information about scholarships, please email education@ensemblecincinnati.org with the subject line Scholarship Inquiry.

Virtual programming

What online platform is used for virtual classes and what equipment is needed?

We use Zoom as the online platform for all of our virtual classes, workshops, residencies, and camps. Zoom is ideally run on a computer that has video and audio capability, but there are workarounds for phones, tablets, or a combination of devices. To become more familiar with Zoom, check out their helpful tutorial videos.


What is your cancellation policy?

Workshop and class dates, times, and teaching artists are subject to change, and classes may be canceled if the minimum number of students is not reached. In the event that a class is canceled, notification will be given to all students, and refunds and credits will be arranged accordingly. No refunds will be provided for teaching artists changes.

More questions?

Each program is different. If you have any additional questions or need clarification, we’d be delighted to assist you! Please email our Education Department.